Founded by two Chicago guys, Songza's a free, 28,000,000-song Internet jukebox jam packed with studio recordings, live tracks, mashups, and covers (sometimes you want AC/DC's "You Shook Me...", sometimes you want to clear a room by playing Celine Dion's). Peruse by title/artist, and Songza'll nab 50 responses you can either spin instantly, or add to a save-able playlist you can return to as often as you'd like -- ensuring your work compiling Top Gun Soundtrack (minus "Beach Volleyball Song") won't vanish into the digital ether. As a tune plays, Songza links to the artist's website, lists "other artists you might like", and directs you to YouTubes; to spread the love, email a song directly thru the site, or cut & paste your personal Songza url and send out your entire playlist to that poor friend whose recent obscure brain injury left him devoid of personal musical taste.
Songza'll soon allow you to include friends in your profile, giving them anytime access to music you respect so much, paying for it would only cheapen its artistic integrity.
Listen to all the music at Songza.com;
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